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Jeju aloe soothing gelπŸ’š

    I'm assuming most of y'all have tried the amazing Jeju Aloe Soothing Gel from the brand face shopπŸ™‹ .


 Aloe vera is perhaps one of the most widely used herbal remedies for topical skin conditions. This is because the gel-like components of the plant are known to heal the skin from a variety of minor ailments.

In fact, you might have even used aloe in the past for sunburn, minor cuts, or small abrasions.

Despite its healing powers, you may be wondering if it’s safe for using on your face. Generally speaking, the answer is yes. When used correctly, aloe vera can help with a variety of ailments that might affect your skin. 

Aloe vera is perhaps one of the most widely used herbal remedies for topical skin conditions. This is because the gel-like components of the plant are known to heal the skin from a variety of minor ailments.

In fact, you might have even used aloe in the past for sunburn, minor cuts, or small abrasions.

Despite its healing powers, you may be wondering if it’s safe for using on your face. Generally speaking, the answer is yes. When used correctly, aloe vera can help with a variety of ailments that might affect your skin. Below are 10 of these benefits.

Base ingredient vs. plant:

The aloe vera we use on our skin in over-the-counter (OTC) gels is derived from plants of the same name.

In fact, there’s more than one kind of aloe, with an estimated 420 different species. The most commonly used form for skin conditions is a plant called aloe barbadensis Miller.

In conventional medicine, aloe vera is used as a topical gel, which is made from the gel-like substance inside the plant’s leaves. It’s also possible to use the leaves directly by breaking them apart and pressing out the gel.

However, it’s much easier to use gel that’s ready to go, especially in the case of emergency burns and wounds. OTC aloe gel may also contain other skin-soothing ingredients, such as echinacea and calendula.

Aloe vera is perhaps one of the most widely used herbal remedies for topical skin conditions. This is because the gel-like components of the plant are known to heal the skin from a variety of minor ailments.

In fact, you might have even used aloe in the past for sunburn, minor cuts, or small abrasions.

Despite its healing powers, you may be wondering if it’s safe for using on your face. Generally speaking, the answer is yes. When used correctly, aloe vera can help with a variety of ailments that might affect your skin. 

Base ingredient vs. plant:

The aloe vera we use on our skin in over-the-counter (OTC) gels is derived from plants of the same name.

In fact, there’s more than one kind of aloe, with an estimated 420 different species. The most commonly used form for skin conditions is a plant called aloe barbadensis Miller.

In conventional medicine, aloe vera is used as a topical gel, which is made from the gel-like substance inside the plant’s leaves. It’s also possible to use the leaves directly by breaking them apart and pressing out the gel.

However, it’s much easier to use gel that’s ready to go, especially in the case of emergency burns and wounds. OTC aloe gel may also contain other skin-soothing ingredients, such as echinacea and calendula.


If you’re dealing with a chronic skin condition, it’s a good idea to check with your dermatologist before applying any products to your face. Talk to your doctor about the following potential benefits of aloe vera:

1. Burns

For minor burns, apply aloe vera gel to the affected area up to three times daily. You may also need to protect the area with gauze.

2. Sunburn

While aloe vera helps soothe sunburn, researchTrusted Source shows that it’s not an effective way to prevent sunburn, so make sure you wear sun protection every day!

3. Small abrasions

If you’ve scuffed up your chin or forehead, you can apply aloe vera to the area for quick relief from pain and burning sensations. Use three times per day.

4. Cuts

If you’re used to grabbing Neosporin for a minor cut, consider trying aloe vera instead. Its molecular structure helps heal wounds quickly and minimizes scarring by boosting collagen and fighting bacteria. Apply up to three times per day.

5. Dry skin

Aloe vera gel absorbs easily, making it ideal for oily skin. However, it can help treat dry skin, too. Consider swapping out your regular moisturizer for aloe after bathing to help seal moisture into your skin.

6. Frostbite

Frostbite is a serious condition that requires emergency medical treatment. While aloe vera gel has been used historically as a frostbite remedy, ask your doctor first before trying it.

7. Cold sores

Unlike canker sores, cold sores develop on the outside of your mouth. Aloe vera may help treat the herpes virus, which is also the underlying cause of cold sores. Apply a small amount of the gel to your cold sore twice daily until it goes away.

8. Eczema

The moisturizing effects of aloe can help alleviate dry, itchy skin associated with eczema. Aloe vera gel may also help alleviate seborrheic dermatitis. While this oily form of eczema is most often found in the scalp, it can also affect parts of your face and behind the ears, too.

9. Psoriasis

As with eczema, aloe vera may help alleviate inflammation and itchiness from psoriasis. For best results, apply aloe vera gel twice daily to the affected area of skin.

10. Inflammatory acne

Due to the anti-inflammatory effects of aloe vera, the gel may help treat inflammatory forms of acne, such as pustules and nodules. Apply the gel with a cotton swab directly to the pimple three times daily.

So i'll cut the long random tips short and quickly get to how i use it because this product has benefitted me like almost none other (thank me later). Bring on the Face Shop Jeu Aloe Gel.


🎈As a night gel when I undergo epic skincare fails!

🎈As a hair gel before a lovely long shower.

🎈On my knees and elbows when they feel dry.

🎈On my eye lids and under my eyes when Im tired and my eyes have pretty much given up on me. Of course as a day cream/ gel (how obvious is that) Sometimes on cuts, rashes and wounds because this is the first thing that gives me instant cooling and calmness no other product can.


πŸ‘ŽThis can be somewhat sticky. Just somewhat.. Like the residual effect on your face might feel somewhat tacky.

While your skin always takes time to adapt to a new product because of one or more actives present in it, aloe vera happens to be one of the mildest elements that tends to suit every single skin type that exists out there being anti-inflammatory in nature and rich in vitamins A, C, E, and B12.

Apart from 90% aloe Vera, it contains spearmint extract, sage extract, basil leaf extract, chamomile leaf extract, lavender flower extract, soyabean seed extract, glycerin, alcohol and a bunch of glycols. You'll have to go through the detailed ingredient list at the back of the pack.

Whats the whole Jeju Aloe hype? So the lush volcanic island of Jeju, located south of mainland Korea, is a beauty oasis. Jeju's volcanic soil, paired with its humid subtropical climate, makes it one of the most botanically diverse places in the world. It's what makes Jeju such a rich natural resource, and a wealthy source of skincare ingredients.

Price: 450 for 300 ml (it'll last you over 6 months) Available on nykaa and Amazon.. 

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