The internet is filled with umpteen beauty hacks for a radiant face!
But do you believe everything you read?
While some products may give instant results, they can prove to be detrimental in the long run.
So if you are wondering whether a particular product or ingredient is good for your facial skin or not, you should read this article.
Know all about what you should avoid applying on your face, and why.
Here is the PART_01
Things you should never put on your face!
Toothpaste contains high amounts of calcium carbonate and SLS making it very abrasive to remove the substances from a hard substance like teeth.
When you use this on your face (which is very soft and delicate) it can cause excess irritation, redness ,inflammation and disrupt the skin barrier function.
Causes: skin burns, irritation, redness and hyperpigmentations.
Healthy skin is slightly acidic. This acid mantle helps form a protective barrier, and it's important for overall skin health.
* Washing with baking soda can remove the skin's protective oil barrier, alter its pH, and disrupt the natural bacteria on the surface that help to prevent infection and acne.
*This can leave you with stripped skin that's prone to infection and breakouts.
*Basically baking soda is alkaline, when you apply this on your face it changes the disrupts the pH of your skin and aids the growth of bacteria, fungus and the other not so good microorganisms.
Causes: dehydration, infections, aging signs
Lemons are very acidic and are just not for your skin. Period.Skin irritation is the most common side effect from using fruit acids. Lemon is extremely acidic, which can irritate your skin.
You might experience excessive dryness, redness, and peeling of your skin. These effects can be worse if you have sensitive skin. As a rule of thumb, people with sensitive skin ought to stay away from topical lemon applications.
Causes: skin burns, permanent damage, pain, redness, irritation and inflammations which leads to hyperpigmentations.
This is the most popular and the worst thing you can do your skin. The main reasons to avoid this ingredient are that coffee grounds are not cosmetically smooth and are one of the worst things you can put down your drain.
Microscopically, the coffee grounds you use to make your morning brew are very jagged and can cause micro-tears in your skin as you exfoliate.
*They are made for brewing a beverage as opposed to being used for cosmetic purposes.
* This is a serious concern if you already have dry skin as these micro-tears can cause further dryness, irritation and even infection.
*Coffee granules are very abrasive on the skin and very prone to create microtears in your skin making it susceptible for the allergens, germs and irritants to enter your skin.
Causes: sensitivity, irritation, skin loses its elasticity over time, dryness, irritation and inflammation.
coconut oil is great for your body and hair but it is not very suitable for your face since it is comedogenic (clogs your pores) and breaksout on majority of the people.I know how much we all loveee coconut oil and I know, if I tell you not to use coconut oil you ll punch me in my face. But hear me out,
Coconut oil is very safe to use, it has antibacterial properties, gives good hydration and is not allergic. Coconut oil is great for your body but not if u have body acne.
Why it's not good for your face ?
Coconut oil is comedogenic, that is it can clog your pores while not allowing your skin to breathe.
*If the pores are clogged, u can get closed comedones that are little bumps on your forehead and cheeks mostly.
*Also when the pores are clogged the pores tends to dilate and become bigger in size.
* if you are acne prone or have fungal acne stay away from coconut oil, it can worsen the condition not even to cleanse your face.
Also do let me know if u wanna know how coconut oil works for your hair.
Causes: closed comedones can aggrevate acne and not really beneficial
You heard me right❤️
Superb jj