Acne is a serious problem for many of us; these pesky tiny bumps can spread everywhere on your arms, neck, back, and chest. There is no relief if acne is the bane of your existence. We get uncomfortable; it is painful, upsetting, and not at all good to look at. So here we gonna talk about: ✓anti dandruff shampoo ✓clindamycin gel ✓extra care But for some, the reason for acne or pimples is not solely heredity or unhealthy diet, but dandruff. Yes, dandruff and acne are related, though there may not always be a necessary connection between them. Dandruff, which is a layman's term when it appears as fine flakes on the scalp; it's not really harmful at that stage. However, when it becomes severe, we call it seborrhoeic dermatitis (wet dandruff) - white flakes causing severe itching in your scalp region as well as all ...
Hellloo my rose petals ๐น Today the post is gonna be on the topic haircare! We all have done atleast few mistakes related to our hair..So I'm gonna let you know about common hair care mistakes to achieve healthy hair. HERE WE ARE GONNA TALK ABOUT: ✓Confusing scalp type with hair. ✓Everyday habits-cleansing, conditioning and combing. ✓Combing wet/oiled hair. ✓Applying conditioner on scalp CONFUSING SCALP TYPE WITH HAIR TYPE: When choosing a shampoo we often consider the state of hair strands. But, what about the scalp? Just like our facial and body skin, the scalp also has sebaceous and sweat glands. All of it gets trapped underneath the hair growth and dense hair is more likely to smell and develop fungal infections. Every individual has different scalp type and the lengths are most often dry. An oily scalp requires purifying and deep cleansing while dry scalp needs protein and plant oils. A...